The first step


If you want to be wealthy and successful, you must have a burning desire. And you have to focus on that desire. This possibility is the most important step why Napoleon put it in the first step.

Once upon a time, a great warrior faced a powerful enemy and with a higher number of his troops. He and his troops sailed to enemy land. When he got there he burned the entire ship. And he said: You see, the ship has burned down. It means we cannot leave this beach safely unless we win. In the end, they won. A burning desire to win is essential for success.

There are six steps to turning desire into financial gain:

  1. Set in your mind the exact amount of money you want.
  2. Decide what you give in exchange for the money you want.
  3. Set a specific date when you will have it.
  4. Make a definite plan to achieve it and immediately start and act, ready or not.
  5. Write points 1-4 into a statement.
  6. Read the statement twice a day (wake up early and before going to bed at night)

At point six is ​​called autosuggestion, to give commands to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind will only act on powers, given emotions and feelings.

If you have never seen great wealth in your imagination, you will never see it in your account. Thomas Alfa Edison had a dream about a lamp that could be powered by electricity. Despite failing 10,000 times, he still holds fast to his dream until he succeeded in realizing it as a physical reality.


Second step


Faith is the main chemical element of the mind. When faith mixed with the vibrations of ideas, the subconscious will immediately grasp these vibrations and translate them into spiritual beings and transmit them into unlimited intelligence.

Belief as autosuggestion is a state of mind that can be stimulated or created, through affirmations or continuous commands to the subconscious.


Third step


Autosuggestion is self-stimulation, as well as a medium of communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Positive and negative ideas cannot enter the subconscious mind without the aid of the principle of autosuggestion. Everything that you receive through the five senses stopped by the conscious mind and can be passed on to the subconscious mind. So the conscious mind acts as a gatekeeper to the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is like fertile ground. If you sow the seeds of constructive thoughts such as positive thinking, creative, and innovative ideas, you will achieve success. But instead, don’t let destructive ideas find their way into this productive garden of thought.


Fourth step

Special Knowledge

There are two types of knowledge:

General and specific knowledge. Successful people, in any field, never stop looking for specific knowledge related to the main goals of their business and profession. Knowledge is not power. More precisely is the potential power. Knowledge becomes power, only when and if it arranged into a plan, then directed through action towards a definite goal.

The beginning of the success of a business is an idea. The idea here was born from a need to bridge a problem that must be overcome and solved. Small ideas are seeds that produce extraordinary wealth. There is no fixed price for a great idea.


Fifth step


Imagination is a workshop for designing all individual plans. Thanks to imaginative abilities, humanity has succeeded in discovering and utilizing more universal forces over the past fifty years compared to before. Today humans have managed to capture the air and use it as a means of communicating directly to all corners of the world. Ideas are imagination.


Sixth Step

Organized Planning

If you want to be wealthy, you must have a plan.

There are four things you should think about:

  1. Create a group mastermind that is the coordination of knowledge and effort in the spirit of harmony between two or more people to achieve a definite goal.
  2. Determine what offered to the members of the mastermind in return for their cooperation. No one wants to work without receiving a reward.
  3. Arrange meetings with members of the mastermind at least every two weeks, more often if possible.
  4. Maintain perfect harmony between yourself and each member of the mastermind group.

These four things can make your plan into action. If the plan doesn’t work, replace it with a new plan.


Seventh step


Analysis of 25,000 men and women who revealed the fact that they did not make any decisions in life. Even though they actually have unconsciously made a decision not to do anything in their lives. Procrastination is also an enemy that must be defeated by everyone.

Napoleon analyzed hundreds of millionaires and found that each of them had a habit of making decisions quickly and slowly changing decisions. Conversely, people who fail are usually not at all or slow in making decisions and rapidly and often change them.

Some people who fail to make money are usually easily influenced by other people’s opinions. Often relatives or friends, though not meant to be that way, denounce through opinion and sometimes ridicule to joke. Many people who suffer from low self-esteem mental disorders due to this. Remember that opinion is the cheapest item in the world. If you are influenced by opinions when making decisions, you will not succeed in any case because you do not have your own desires.


Eighth step


The foundation of persistence is the power of will. The burning desire that applied with persistence will become an extraordinary couple. Like carbon in the steel. Napoleon honestly said that the primary source of success for Thomas Alfa Edison and Henry Ford was persistence.


Ninth step

The Power of a Mind Master

Remember, the mastermind is the coordination of knowledge and efforts in the spirit of harmony between two or more people to achieve a definite goal.

No one will get high strength without utilizing the mastermind. The most significant advantage of the mastermind is synergy. Imagine a group of electric batteries that will produce more energy than just one battery. But you have to be careful in choosing the mastermind group.


Tenth Step

The Mysteries of Sex Transmutation

There are three strongest emotions, among other positive emotions: Namely faith, love, and sex.

Sexual energy is the most powerful human energy due to the intensity and the dominant driving force.

Love and beliefs are psychic related to the spiritual side. While purely biological sex associated with physical. If you can combine the three emotions as well as link the psychological and physical parties will break down and produce the effect of opening a channel of communication to the subconscious, which is the only form that stimulates the response of infinite intelligence.

Sex transmutation is replacing thoughts about expressions or physical contact with other thoughts aimed at extraordinary creative powers such as developing imagination, courage, perseverance, and creative and innovative abilities. If not channeled into these forms, sex drive will find its channel through purely physical channels.

Transmutation from sexual energy to creative energy and action is a source of genius.

Most humans humble themselves through misunderstanding and abuse of this high power to the lower status of animals.

Napoleon found the fact that rarely people who managed to get success before reaching the age of 40 years due to their tendency to only dispose of sexual energy through indulgence in physical expression and do not understand that sex drive has other possibilities.


Eleventh Step

Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind accepts archives impressions or conscious thoughts where ideas can remember or pull like letters taken from a file cabinet.

The subconscious mind works day and night.

Positive and negative emotions cannot fill the mind at the same time. One emotion is sure to dominate. Your responsibility is to make sure positive emotions become emotions that dominate your thoughts.

There are seven strongest positive emotions, namely desire, belief, love, sex, enthusiasm, romance, hope. Form habits to apply and use positive emotions so that the most dominant negative emotions like (Fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, superstition, anger) cannot enter.


Twelfth Step


A study involving Napoleon Hill, Alexander Graham Bell, and Elmer R. Gates concluded that each human brain is a station transmitting and receiving vibrations through the air intermediaries. The principle is the same as the basis of radio communication or other wireless communication.

The subconscious mind is the “sending station” in the brain for vibrations of the mind broadcast, whereas creative imagination is a “receiving device” for picking up vibrations of the mind from the air.


Thirteenth Step

Sixth Sense 

The sixth sense can and will be used by infinite intelligence to communicate just like that, without any effort or demands. This principle is the highest point of this philosophy and can only be digested, understood, and applied after the other twelve have mastered it.


Quick recap.

Not just hope, but burning desire.

 Be sure of your inner desires

 Sow the seeds of constructive thoughts, flush with autosuggestion.

 Pursue and master specialized knowledge, not general knowledge.

 Develop creative imagination

 Create a mastermind group

 Make effective decisions in life; avoid procrastination.

 Push with persistence

 Use the power of the mastermind group. Remember, the battery pack has higher electricity.

 Seksual Sexual energy is the highest energy of all human power. Use that energy to your advantage.

 Positif Positive and negative emotions cannot fill the mind at the same time. Your responsibility to ensure positive emotions dominate your thoughts.

 the human brain is a station both transmitting and receiving vibrations through an intermediary air

 The sixth sense is a part of the mind called creative imagination, which is a receiving device that flows ideas, plans, and thoughts into the brain, which is often called hunches.

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