• If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia
  • Most successful investors, in fact, do nothing most of the time
  • Compounding is the magic of investing
  • One of the best rules anybody can learn about investing is to do nothing, absolutely nothing, unless there is something to do. Most people – not that I’m better than most people – always have to be playing; they always have to be doing something. They make a big play and say, “Boy, am I smart, I just tripled my money.” Then they rush out and have to do something else with that money. They can’t just sit there and wait for something new to develop
  • Just about every time you go against panic, you will be right if you can stick it out
  • Following what everyone else is doing is rarely a way to get rich
  • I don’t think there is a sound UK bank now, at least, if there is one I don’t know about it. The City of London is finished, the financial center of the world is moving east. All the money is in Asia. Why would it go back to the West? You don’t need London
  • Not one country in existence today has had the same borders and government for as long as two hundred years. The world will continue changing
  • The City of London and Wall Street are not going to be great places to be in the next two or three decades. It’s going to be the people who produce real goods in charge – the farmers and the miners
  • The assets of the world are now in Asia. The world has shifted dramatically. Yes, I see opportunities in Asia, but the largest creditor nations in the world are now in Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, Singapore. This is where all the money is now. We have to wake up to the fact that the world has changed and that the power – the money anyway –has shifted east, not west
  • I don`t think I own any US stocks, if I do its very few, so few I can`t even remember
  • Teach your children or your grandchildren Chinese. It is going to be the most important language of their lifetimes
  • My basic advise is don’t lose money
  • If anybody laughs at your idea, view it as a sign of potential success
  • The last leg of a bull market always ends in hysteria; the last leg of a bear market always ends in panic
  • If everyone thinks one way, it is likely to be wrong. If you can figure out that it is wrong, you are likely to make a lot of money
  • History shows that people who save and invest grown and prosper, and the others deteriorate and collapse
  • You will never get anywhere if you do not do your homework
  • Bottoms in the investment world don’t end with four-year lows; they end with 10- or 15-year lows
  • If you bail out every investment bank that gets in trouble, that’s not capitalism, that’s socialism for the rich
  • Do not worry about failure, I would tell them. Do not worry about making mistakes in life. It is good to lose money, to go broke at least once, and preferably twice. But if you are going to do it, do it early in your career. It is better to go bust when you are talking about $20,000 than when you are talking about $20 million. Do it early, and it is not the end of the world
  • Get inside information from the president and you will probably lose half your money. If you get it from the chairman of the board, you will lose all of your money
  • I was poor once, I didn’t like it, I don’t want to be poor again
  • If you want to make a lot of money, resist diversification
  • Right now I own shares of companies in 28 countries
  • Acknowledge the complexity of the world and resist the impression that you easily understand it. People are too quick to accept conventional wisdom, because it sounds basically true and it tends to be reinforced by both their peers and opinion leaders, many of whom have never looked at whether the facts support the received wisdom. It’s a basic fact of life that many things “everybody knows” turn out to be wrong
  • Historically, there has been a bull market in commodities every 20 or 30 years
  • I think this is also a great time to invest in private equity, helping companies grow from the ground up
  • Index investing outperforms active management year after year
  • The price of a commodity will never go to zero. When you invest in commodities futures, you’re not buying a piece of paper that says you own an intangible piece of company that can go bankrupt
  • I haven’t met a rich technician
  • Unfortunately politicians are not very sound people or they wouldn’t be politicians
  • When things go wrong on a macroeconomic level, it’s almost always this way. People find someone to blame, whether it’s blacks, whites, Christians, Jews, Muslims-whoever
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